IELTS exam is an assessment of language proficiency taken up for broadly two reasons. If a person wishes to study abroad or if a person wishes to migrate to such countries where English is the common language, like Australia, Canada, UK, USA, New Zealand and many more, this exam facilitates the process.
For around 10,000 educational institutes globally IELTS exam is one of the pre-requisites to have the student onboard the college or university programme. For this, a student is required to appear for IELTS academic module.
For migrating to countries like Australia, Canada, UK and many more, IELTS general training exam helps to speed up the immigration process. If a person wishes to apply for permanent residency in such countries, having a certain band score in IELTS general training is mandatory.
IDP and British Council both schedule the dates for the two categories of IELTS exam. Mostly the IELTS General Training exam date coincides the academic exam date, however there are days when only the academic exam is conducted.
Both the exams are conducted at the same centre and out of the four modules, only the Writing and Reading vary. The structure and the set of questions differ in case of these two modules. However for the Listening module the question paper remains the same. For the Speaking module also the choice of cue cards Remain the same.