IELTS exam though is an assessment of English proficiency but keeping in mind that all the four modules have to be completed in one hour respectively, joining an Ielts preparation course can be of great help. For every module, the trainer at the coaching center can guide the student about time saving tricks. Preparation course can significantly increase the chance of getting a good score.
Though the exam does not have any prescribed syllabus, but having an access to updated study material can be a key to scoring good bands. A student who has opted for a preparation course will definitely have an edge over the others in this regard. A picture of what the assessors are looking for while evaluating all the four modules can be made clear by the trainer.
For Writing module, no doubt the tasks are simple, but marking is done on the basis of parameters provided by University of Cambridge. The trainer can guide the student about these and help achieve the requirement of the task. Also, trainer can evaluate the writing assignments and give an instant feedback. Different set of questions can be practiced and weak areas can be focused upon.
For Speaking module, a student can get to practice different and probable cue cards in an exam type environment and receive feedback instantly. Discussion of the ideas in classroom can help the student to give different response from what is printed in the books and written in the blogs. If the student has any inhibitions about speaking at a stretch in front of a stranger, the trainer can guide the student accordingly. Motivation and encouragement always require a human touch and trainer can be of immense help here.
For Reading and Listening modules, shortcuts, tips and tricks developed by the institutes can be of help to solve 40 questions in one hour.
The regularity and discipline required for studying can best be provided by the coaching centers. Regular tests and counseling on the basis of performance can help the student achieve a good band score. Besides, a student might be left bamboozled if he/she is referring to various blogs on the internet. The preparation course here can be the guiding light for the student.
Any help regarding registering for the exam, selection of dates and centers can be offered by the coaching institutes. The conduct of the exam can be made familiar, like the except for the Speaking module, rest of the three modules are conducted on the same date, their duration, sequence and when would speaking module be held is briefed to the students appearing for the test.